CIOSTA 2023 - XL CIOSTA & CIGR Section V International Conference

We are delighted to share our project's presentation in the CIOSTA 2023 - XL CIOSTA & CIGR Section V International Conference, hosted by the University of Evora, Portugal on September 10-13.

It was an honour to present our project "Next Generation Training on Intelligent Greenhouses (NEGHTRA)" to the Conference theme "Sustainable Socio-Technical Transition of Farming Systems" as a comprehensive and dynamic tool for farmers' training in greenhouse technologies.  

NEGHTRA represents a significant effort to bridge the gap in precision/smart agriculture education, fostering the adoption of smart greenhouse technologies and sustainable farming practices among diverse agricultural stakeholders across Southern Europe.

This conference has been a great opportunity to connect with some of the key technology players in sustainable agriculture and share our vision for a greener future.

#NEGHTRA #Erasmus+ #EuropeanProject #CIOSTA2023

CIOSTA 2023 - XL CIOSTA & CIGR Section V International Conference
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