"Next Generation Training on Intelligent Greenhouses (NEGHTRA)"


Project Description

Next Generation Training on Intelligent Greenhouses (NEGHTRA) is a specialized training project that addresses knowledge transfer in precision agriculture based on specific needs and challenges, identified from a comprehensive need analysis. It aims to provide innovative training on smart greenhouse technologies coupled with selected optimum matchings of technologies/cultivations with regions including conditions for economic and environmental sustainability.

NEGHTRA aims at the development of an adaptable and flexible lifelong learning system, ensuring high quality and efficient teaching. It aspires the delivery of knowledge to farmers of how innovation, entrepreneurship and technology utilization can benefit their businesses, personal skills and competence development. 

The target groups are a) HEIs and RIs which will update the training curricula portfolio, b) agricultural intermediaries that provide counselling and training to the farming communities and c) the farming community of the participating countries and beyond. 

The training material will be developed by a comprehensive consortium of 5 HEIs, 4 specialized SMEs, and 7 intermediaries (1 agro-ICT cluster, 1 research institute, 1 federation of agriculturalists, 1 farmers association, 1 VET specialist, 1 agricultural school), each contributing from its collective expertise and dissemination capacity, in seven languages. They will be complimented by 5 Associate Partners with direct access to existing and potential farming communities. The training material will be broadly accessible, promoted by virtual reality tools, instructional videos, e-platform training delivery, presentations of best practices, etc.

The training will be delivered to two distinct groups: a) 1st tier learners including staff/researchers of HEIs/RIs, intermediary staff and trainers, local stakeholders, regional authorities engaged in agricultural development and b) 2nd tier learners including farmers of any size and type of cultivation and students. 

The project intends to contribute to the modernization of greenhouse operations to achieve higher growing efficiency and greater economic potential in the face of changing market conditions and environmental challenges. Hence it facilitates innovation uptake by existent and aspiring European farmers.